Finality — a moment awaited by anyone who seeks the worth of their actions, a sweet sense of victory once everything is said and done.
Last academic year, The Mover arrived at its newfound zenith: it has reached out to a wider audience than it had ever conceived. Stepping into the onsite learning world for the first time since its reestablishment during the quarantine years, the publication succeeded in bringing glimpses of school life closer to the student body. Its journalists reported on a variety of returning campus events, while its creatives innovated their ways of sharing the stories that matter.
After years of ambition, we became an active student-led facet of information and content creation. The publication expanded to an unprecedented level of youth empowerment, serving as both a unifier between all Monarchs, and a megaphone for Monarchs to share their experiences. It has been done — The Mover achieved its yearning state of finality, and its position within the school community cemented.
But this conclusion is not the end of everything. Rather, it is merely the beginning of much more to come.
People would never be content after completing just one out of an infinite number of goals that surround them. In the same vein, we aspire to further expand our podium to more voices and minds of this wonderful community, adding up to the so much we have already accomplished. This publication will only keep moving forward toward growth and opportunity.
As we near our fourth publishing year, our dear Movers of society will not stop at creating just for the sake of creating. They aim to inspire, captivate, and enlighten the student body through writing, art, photography, and design in this exciting new journey. Though we, as a publication, have achieved finality, we look forward to being a larger freedom wall for all members of the school community to maximize.
In light of the numerous old activities that are returning in this much more eventful school year than ever before, we strive to cover and report with reliable accuracy. With growing global issues looming over the horizon, we are moved to foster social awareness in our youthful audience. Beyond journalistic writing, we embrace the multimedia that dominates today’s artistry. We hope that this outlet of news and expression can develop into a vocal impetus for student-centered change. Withal, we are always your Platform, Pen, and Paper.
Finality is a given, but it never stops there. Finality is never final, for it will only beget another beginning, and you can find that same sentiment manifested by all our passionate Monarchs.
Matthew Cabiles