Venice ViescaJun 24Before the Coffee Gets Cold: A Warm Journey Through TimeIn the heart of Tokyo, a café resides. Funiculi Funicula, where time confides. A steaming cup, a whispered plea, A chance to walk down...
Veana EvangelistaJun 18Waltz of a PhantomWhat exactly composes a nightmare? Is it a past that lies heavy on your chest? Or perhaps a fear you are too petrified to confront?...
Daphne SorianoJun 10The Law of Conservation of Energy“The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.”...
“Dapat All Equal”: SISC Oxfam breaks barriers in International Women’s Month campaignMargeaux Chebat and Lexine LarañoJun 23 min