-Jun 24Before the Coffee Gets Cold: A Warm Journey Through TimeIn the heart of Tokyo, a café resides. Funiculi Funicula, where time confides. A steaming cup, a whispered plea, A chance to walk down...
Veana EvangelistaJun 18Waltz of a PhantomWhat exactly composes a nightmare? Is it a past that lies heavy on your chest? Or perhaps a fear you are too petrified to confront?...
-Jun 10The Law of Conservation of Energy“The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.”...
Olympic Revival: SISC High School brings back Intramurals Sophia Lausingco and Liam VidalJun 54 min read
“Dapat All Equal”: SISC Oxfam breaks barriers in International Women’s Month campaign-Jun 23 min read