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Sustaining the Body and Mind Before Exams

Writer's picture: Nathan Dichupa Nathan Dichupa

Do you feel pressured or stressed out every time exams are coming close? Don’t worry, this is normal for every student! Most of us set aside this week to concentrate on our studies. As we only have a few days left to prepare, we must give our best in reviewing and familiarizing our lessons.

We all have our own ways to review, I myself gather notes and find resources that would help me further understand the topics. If I encounter a challenging lesson, I would seek assistance from my peers and teachers, or search online. Being stressed and pressured is inevitable, however, too much will be detrimental to our health

When dealing with exam preparations, we shouldn’t neglect our well-being. As much as exams are important, our well-being should always be the priority.

Balancing ourselves and our academic work can be tedious especially in the week leading up to the exams. We tend to put heavy workloads on ourselves without realizing how much that will physically and mentally drain us. As a student who has experienced many weeks of exam preparations, I’m here to give 3 pieces of advice for you to healthily prepare for the upcoming exams.

Do it one-at-a-time

Don’t pressure yourself to work too much in a short period of time; do it one-at-a-time. When we plan our schedule, we have the tendency to overexert ourselves by allotting multiple tasks that can be unrealistic to finish. On the other hand, multitasking isn't a good strategy as it divides our attention, depleting the quality of our work.

What we need to do is to plan ahead, set our priorities straight, and allocate time for each task. Make sure to follow your scheduled time and avoid distractions. This advice isn’t only applicable in preparing for the exams, but also to everything that we deal with in life.

  • Minimize the number of tabs opened! You would be overwhelmed by the number of tabs open. Only open your tabs when necessary.

  • Keep your workspace as clear as possible! Only bring out the materials necessary for that time period's specific task. You can keep the other materials on the side for future usage.

In this way, it would be easier for you to manage your time and be productive. We can’t control the amount of workload given, but it is up to us to manage it properly.

Value self-care

When you feel drained from hours of reviewing, don’t be hesitant to take a break. Continuous study sessions lead to us cramming information into our minds, making it easier to forget. At least 5 minutes of break is enough to keep yourself physically and mentally sustained before returning to work. We may think that breaks are unnecessary because we lack time, however, taking breaks is important. Taking breaks gives us time to refocus and energize, leading to more productive study sessions.

  • Eat right, fill your stomach!. You can concentrate better when you eat nutritious food and adequate meals.

  • Exercise! Stretch your body after the long hours of sitting down. Take a break, step away from the screen and walk outside or around the house to exercise and relieve your body. This will help you destress.

  • Get enough sleep! Sleep is essential when it comes to our development and health. You need at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep to keep you refreshed and relaxed.

Being mindful of ourselves is essential when it comes to the awareness of our physical and mental states. Our physical and mental states are important factors when it comes to our performance in assessments.

Stay optimistic

Despite the challenging and worrisome days to come, stay optimistic. Choosing to stay happy keeps the energy we need to keep moving forward alive. It acts as a barrier from feeling down after facing hardships.

As a student, I am aware that it will be challenging to maintain motivation, given the stress of difficult topics and the overwhelming expectations from the exams. However, we must keep in mind to remain calm and prepare instead. Panicking or being too nervous won’t benefit us, a relaxed mind is essential when it comes to giving 100% in our performance

  • Listen to music! It will make the reviewing atmosphere more energetic; you can even sing if you want to.

  • Surround yourself with a positive environment! Listen or watch motivational content or seek guidance from anyone that can cheer you up.

  • Reflect on the positive aspects of life! Look back where you started, be grateful for your progress, and envision your goals.

Building a positive atmosphere is important when it comes to examinations. It’s not just for you but also for everyone around you. Recognize your purpose for taking the exam, it’s the reason why you work hard in reviewing almost everyday. Instead of having a nervous mindset, have a goal-oriented one!

In preparing for the upcoming exams, we must be mindful of ways to keep ourselves calm and well all throughout. The sky’s the limit when it comes to finding ways to cope with our examination worries. Assessments are temporary obstacles in our lives. Always remember to take care and have confidence in yourself. Best of luck to everyone. We can do it!

If you want to look for more advice, click the links below!

How to Relieve Stress Before a Test: 25 Research-Backed Tips:

10 tips for staying calm during exams:

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