Wherever you are...
Dear Mr. Peter: Hi Peter! First of all, I would like to let you know that you are doing well nowadays in school. You have gotten very high scores in most of the subjects because you have exerted so much effort in getting those achievements unlocked recently. To become such a person, you have undergone a series of struggles to have a harmonious relationship with friends, teachers, and others due to the language barrier and to understand the topics discussed in English, Science, and Math. In fact, you were even given warnings and counseling on how to survive those transitions and situations. However, look at what you have accomplished so far: you have been given a Purple Award for the first time in the last four years, and your grades have been improving greatly these days. You should give yourself a shoulder tap for this and avoid beating yourself up.
In addition to this, I would like you to remember and appreciate what you went through in 7th grade. After you came to the Philippines, you had difficulty talking with foreigners because you could not listen and understand what they were trying to say to you. Everything seemed to be murmuring, and it was really confusing to respond as you were anxious to give the wrong sentences. In fact, you did not even construe the meaning of most of those questions given in the tests. Even though you knew the answer, you were anxious about being wrong, and you really wanted to get high grades in SLGE, so you tried to cheat on the test. Because of that, you were called by the teacher and had a long talk with her. You were really nervous, and you tried to explain your side of the story, but you were hindered by your poor English skills in front of the teacher. You, then, made a promise to yourself that you would never do such a thing again. This taught you the value of hard work, regret, and resilience. Moreover, you were timid to begin the conversation regardless of whether the person you were talking to was Korean or of another nationality. Nevertheless, I would like to extend my gratitude for your perseverance despite the several difficulties and challenges you had to face.
For this, I'm not just grateful to your 7th-grade self, but to all the stages and grades you managed to accomplish. Your resilience and growth mindset are the reasons for your existence right now. I will live reflecting on my mistakes and thinking that there was no wasted time but rather lessons to be cherished, appreciated, and applied. I will continue to live remembering the happy memories you have created.
With kind regards,
Peter Lee