An instructor that stirs fear's embrace.
It strikes blows, but is not lethal.
We crawl away from its clutches,
And wish for morrow’s light.
Failure is its name.
We dance on the parapet to our ambition,
A path paved with trials and tribulations.
Ultimately, we stumble and fall.
But failure is not fatal or a flaw.
It fuels our rise, igniting our drive.
Failure is woven into the tapestry of life.
A fine thread that’s a lesson in disguise,
And a needle’s hissing sting.
It is the stitch that binds to success,
A twisted weave of life’s complex canvas.
Failure is merely a pause in our journey.
Like a compass to our destination,
And a landmark on the road to success.
There is no success without failure,
For these are the two sides of a single coin.