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Writer's pictureIo Carpiso

HOMEWORK: 4 Tips On Protecting Your Sanity for Online Classes

Out of all the things that I hear the most from students about online classes, there is one word that is groaned the loudest: stress.

As a student who also tends to feel drained from a series of online classes, I realized eventually that I was working harder and not smarter. The difference between them is that the former is unhealthy as it results in mental and physical exhaustion. The latter, on the other hand, encourages the creation of good habits that’ll better one’s work ethic without taxing one’s mental health.

Here are a few tips for the stressed Southville student who aspires to work smarter:

1. Know Thyself

In EQ/ACT, we learn about different intelligences and how everyone is, in fact, uniquely smart. This information still holds true in online classes --we have to understand what makes us motivated to work and accomplish our tasks, what working style works best for us, and what environment makes working a bit more enjoyable.

A lack of motivation and enjoyment lend a hand to online class meltdowns. Sit yourself down and ask yourself: What motivates you to do your best in online classes? Actively push yourself to complete these goals in a healthy way.

Nowadays, I learned that I work best in the evening hours as there are less distracting activities for me at night. I tend to light a scented candle too as the smell helps me calm down when I feel stressed, and I also keep a glass of water by my side when I work.

2. When Feeling ‘Whelmed’, Focus on the ‘Now’

Feeling as if work is suffocating you is the worst part of online classes. Seeing the workload may make you shiver with dread, but that doesn’t mean you have to do single tasks all at once. Instead of worrying about the pile of work you have to submit later, try exercising your mindfulness to ground yourself in what needs to be done at this moment. Focusing on the now instead of later helps keep anxiety and stress at bay.

Personally, I chunk down work into more manageable sections that I can cycle around. Making the tasks feel smaller and giving them mini-due dates within the week helps me feel more at ease and focused on my goal.

If ever classes feel confusing, check up on online resources like Science YouTube channels and English Lit websites to help you understand your topics. You can also make a virtual study group with classmates or friends to keep your tasks and lessons in check. It isn’t cheating to ask for help!

3. R and R and Repeat

Just because you wrote down your goals doesn’t mean you have to dedicate all your time into work! Online setups easily make you feel like you have to be in the game 24/7, but that’s not the case. Always take regular breaks from work, and remember to keep the rest of the day for your personal use without any cramming for school.

The University of Arizona encourages online students to regularly socialize with friends, to have a fun hobby or activity on the side, and to have a decent, regular sleep schedule. Exercise routines are excellent time-killers as they dial up endorphins and buzz up your mood. It also doubles as a way to keep yourself fit during quarantine.

Remember: You aren’t a machine, you’re a person! If ever you need it, take your sick days or mental health days when you feel immensely unwell or agitated. You can’t expect yourself to perform well when you don’t feel well!

4. And the most important thing of all… Be Gentle With Yourself!

In this time of stress, pressure, and change, you can’t expect yourself to perform 100% all the time. In fact, you can’t expect yourself to be 100% right after you read this article! That’s because change is challenging and progress takes time. Be kinder to yourself and allow yourself to relax and make mistakes.

So those were a few online class tips to help the stressed Southville student become a more mindful Monarch. Striving for excellence doesn’t mean you have to strive towards exhaustion!

Remember to take care of yourself during this crisis in both body and mind.

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