Surely, all of us have experienced the feeling of anxiety after committing an irreversible action. From initiating a plan you cannot handle, quarreling with long-time friends, or procrastinating all your requirements, all of these lead us to worry about the imminent outcomes that can destroy our peaceful lives.
Some of us are very vulnerable to thoughts, and our imagination can negatively impact us instead of making us free from worry. When we overthink plausible scenarios, our minds can break down while considering all the worst that can happen. However, we have to move on from the past and follow the time that runs toward tomorrow.
Being a person susceptible to worries, I have experienced countless nights stressing about the worst situations that can occur in a past action. Prior to going to sleep, I tend to recount all that I have done and reproach myself for doing so. My mind never gets to rest due to the imagination of all the worst scenarios that can happen to me.
However, realizing how to overcome this anxiety issue did not take me long. Found in our daily lives, there is a hidden yet significant cure to worry we have been overlooking: time. You may have heard of the saying “Time Heals All Wounds,” and while time might not be the actual cure to the problems you experience now, I believe that it can be the opportunity for us to build our minds to become more mature than our past.
As time unfolds, we allow ourselves to start over from the outcomes of negative experiences. If you fail the project you have initiated, you can start over with the new learnings you gained, or decide not to pursue the project anymore as you experienced that it does not connect to your interest. Time also gives you a chance to build up your relationship with friends. Rather than lingering from past quarreling, you can rekindle and make new memories together.
Time provides us the chance to cure the pains of the past. Staying locked to negative experiences brings anxiety up to your head, and it would only prove that those moments were your limit. We may blame ourselves for the disappointing situations and drown deep in stagnation, but remember to keep in mind that things that have passed stay in the past. All these memories have their own meaning, and it is your choice to use the chance time gave to stand up and brush away the pains.