It was golden hour when my dog and I found ourselves at the point where the street splits. I don’t know what strange force influenced my decision when I decided to deviate from our usual route and went the other way, where we gazed at the streets filled with several houses for rent, rats scurrying to and fro, and a plastic bag danced through the air that got me hypnotized by its alluring movements. Engaged, my eyes attached themselves to it, that twirled hither & thither. To end its performance, it dove into the bottom of the front gate of what will soon be the most horrifying experience of my life!
Across the street stood a two story house; which heretofore I’ve only given no more than a side glance. Never before have I studied, as I did at the time, its windows so dusty that you couldn’t make out the interior, its once vibrant colors now a desaturated yellow. It invites you with its entrance that was left wide open. The branches of the leafless trees that stood on both its sides were as sharp as needles as they tried so desperately to reach the heavens and beg for God to relieve them of their misery.
It had been abandoned for as long as I could remember; no one knew what tragedies it lived, the secrets it kept, nor why no one bothered to look into it. All I knew was never to enter it, no matter what. Seeing this peculiar sight made the world around me tilt to and fro. Its image got more distorted the more I stared. It was to the point that my eyes could no longer endure its form. This trance-like state the house had put me in left me standing motionless for what felt like half an hour when I felt a yank from my right hand broke me free from it, causing me to stumble forward. I looked down and found my dog barking out to the house, pulling me with him.
I tried pulling against him, but there was no use: the collar broke from the leash and my dog trotted into the house till he was no longer in sight. I started towards the entrance and tried to turn the knob. It wouldn't budge so I kicked it down and was greeted by a deep dark void with my hand on the arch. I called out for my dog only for my own echo to respond. Seeing as I had no other choice, I stepped into this strange dimension.
Its gray, stone walls were filled with doorless entrances that lead to who knows where, preceded by strange markings on each side. On one side was a message in some foreign language along with what appeared to be scratch marks. On another side were more foreign writings, layered on a drawing of a happy family or a group of people holding hands, it appeared to have been drawn using colored reddish chalk.
This new world, which I had now entered, reeked of a foul odor that resembled an animals excrement stitched with a miscellaneous amount of waste such as rotten meat infested with maggots, moldy peanut butter, and a plethora of meals that have been vomited out. This scent was so strong that it made the corridor warmer the more I delved deeper into the darkness, and the more light attenuated.
I called out for my dog once more. After a second or two, sounds of scurrying could be heard in the faint distance from one of the entrances. When I peered through it, nothing could be seen, no form, not even an outline! I heard it again! My dog must be in this room! I must find him! Find him, and leave this ghastly place!
Having taken my first few steps into the room with reluctance, I got startled by a cold tingling sensation that straightened my hair as tiny little hills emerged all over my body. I gasped and turned around but nothing was there. I could’ve sworn something breathed down my neck.
What was also absent was the opening from whence I came in. Did I make a wrong turn? Where was the entrance?
The sounds of scurrying were heard once more! Never mind the entrance! I shall find my dog first, after which, then I shall find a way to leave this place! And seeing as though I had reached the point of no return, I proceeded with my grave decision.
The light had faded; nothingness was all that remained.
How could I ever find my dog in this darkness? I have no phone, nor any nearby light source. I gazed at the darkness around me, trying to concentrate for the scurrying of those four little feet or at least a yip, only to hear something much more disturbing…
Somewhere deep in the darkness of this strange world, I heard something calling out to me, but heard no words; just the moans and cries of a thousand-or a million-or a BILLION disembodied ear-splitting voices, all suffering, screaming in agony, that echoed and flew through the corridors like a flock of bats all swirling and gliding, trying to reach me.
Heart beating in allegro, I hastened forthwith, but the more I did, the more the room kept getting warmer, the cries getting louder, so loud that it was slamming my ear drums! Harassing them! Violating them! It was unsettling! Maddening! Which begs the horrifying question: Am I coming towards the wailing or is the wailing coming towards me?
Faster, I ran! Not thinking about taking a minute to catch my breath! Not thinking about the aching in my calves! Not stopping to think as to where I’m going! I just wanted to escape! I NEEDED TO ESCAPE!
And just to my luck and prayers, a glimmer of light illuminated the end of the hall like an entrance to the afterlife decelerated my beating heart to an adagio. There, standing in the doorway, his head cocked in wonder, his form silhouetted by the harsh light from the outside world that I so desperately long for, given my terrifying predicament, was my dog. There he was! There IT was! My way out! My salvation!
Tears streamed down my eyes as I desperately made haste! Breathing heavily! The glimmer of light grew wider and WIDER until, in a bright flash, I found myself in the backyard where stood a rusty see-saw, a filthy green pool, and a dusty termite-infested shed. A sigh of relief was made. I have escaped! I have outrun those nasty shrill voices! I found my way back into the light where the sun shines painfully bright, the grass is greener and the sky is as beautiful as ever! Alas! I’m finally free! Alas, I’ve reunited with my dog! I scooped him up, went around the structure through its alley, and hastened home forthwith. Daring not to look back at the House.
The End